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6 Reasons why progressive web apps tend to work better in Resort environments

May 16, 2023

Ultimately, it's a numbers game with frictionless engagement front and centre!  

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) tend to perform better than native download apps in resort conditions for several reasons:

1.     No need for an app download: PWAs don't require guests to download an app from an app store, which can be a significant barrier to entry, especially in areas with limited Wi-Fi connectivity. A PWA is accessible through a web browser, making it easier for guests to access and use. Accessed via either propery-branded and individualised QR Codes (which are now universally recognised and used thanks to the pandemic) and web-links, either before or during the guests stay.

2.     Faster load times: PWAs are designed to work efficiently even on a slow or unreliable internet connection. They can be cached locally, so the app loads quickly and can be used offline. This is especially important for guests who may be in areas with irregular Wi-Fi connectivity, such as resort environments. Great for those “Hangry” guests, or passing visitors, who don’t want to get into the business of downloading an app in order to send a quick order through to the kitchen too!

3.     Frictionless access: Unlike native apps, PWAs are not restricted to any single platform and can be accessed through any web browser on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This means guests don't need to download a separate app for each platform, making it easier for them to access the app and complete transactions.

4.     Lower development costs: Developing a PWA is often cheaper than developing a native app. This is because PWAs are designed to be platform-independent, which means developers don't need to create separate apps for each platform, reducing development and associated ongoing maintenance costs (ie for both Apple/Android app stores).

5.     Cross-device compatibility: Progressive web apps are built with responsive design principles, meaning they can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. This makes them more accessible to guests who may be using different devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops, or from the home-based PC.

6.     PWA’s also enable push notifications, already for Android devices and now also for apple iOS devices (since the release of iOS 16.4 in February 2023), which is a marked plus for ongoing communications of promotions before and during the guest’s stay.

7.     Ultimately, it’s a numbers game in order to benefit from the clear opportunity provided to resorts and hotels by effective guest smartphone self-service solutions, and achieving maximum guest engagement/interaction with your curated hotel app is critical. 
Distributing your property’s branded and curated smartphone experience in the form of a PWA will gain significantly higher guest participation, compared to the native app approach in our experience.

In summary, PWA based solutions, such as the REVA Anywhere all-in-one platform for effective guest smartphone experience, will excel in resorts with irregular Wi-Fi connectivity due to their fast load times,  frictionless ease of access, cross-device compatibility, and lower development costs.
They also offer a more accessible and cost-effective solution for hotels and resorts looking to offer digital guest services, such as mobile ordering and payment, without the need for guests to go to the trouble of downloading a separate native app.

Like to learn more? We are confident that a demo of our REVA Hotel would provide you with valuable insights and showcase the benefits and opportunities that can be maximized with our transformative software. Why not CLICK HERE and book a demo of our platform today.

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